Many Ministers have proved Campaigners to be an effective tool for evangelism and growth in young peoples work and their families. The Minister of the local church has the important role of Chaplain to the local Campaigner Clan and does not hold a mere courtesy title. In the role there is a responsibility to nominate every leader. This is how the standard of leadership is maintained, and only committed Christians are involved in the responsible evangelistic work of working with children. The Minister may choose to meet the leaders at local get togethers for leaders, and informally and pastorally as members of the church. This is most important in order to appreciate fully the opportunities among and open to the young people of the church.
Where there is no youth minister or similar this responsibility for the important task of child evangelism may be delegated and then the progress that is being made followed as necessary.
Campaigners is an arm of the local church, and leaders will work with others in the youth ministry of the church. It may be helpful if the Chaplain is known to the Campaigners Area Leader so that advice can be sought/ provided on a variety of matters, such as the skills of the leaders, the provision of any training in the local setting as thought necessary, and so on. Chaplains are always welcome to attend events that are taking place outside the centre, whether District, Regional or National.
Rev. Clive Calver, former General Director of The Evangelical Alliance wrote: 'Campaigners is one of those organisations that stand in the forefront of Christian youth ministry in the country today. Building on a fine heritage, it is seeking to share the message of Jesus in a way that is relevant to young people today'. I wholeheartedly commend all that the staff and volunteer workers are seeking to achieve through this significant ministry'.